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You never know what you'll find here - anything with genealogical or historical value is fair game. This blog will be updated as I clean out my office, go through boxes and piles, or find pertinent items at antique shops. In the meantime, I hope you find something of interest here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Women Whips in America


An article from “The Twentieth Century Home”, written by Paul Thompson, it appeared in the May 1905 issue, page 15.



Miss Angelica Gerry, of New York, Driving Four-in-Hand

While there are many sports that claim a greater number or obtains a greater hold on its followers than tooling a coach. These are necessarily limited, whether they be men or women, because of the very great expense that is entailed in owning and maintaining a four-in-hand. Despite this fact, and seemingly to keep pace with the increase in the wealth that each year witnesses in this country, there is a constantly growing number of society women who drive their own four-in-hands, or, having acquired the necessary knowledge, and possessing the good will of their more fortunate neighbors, operate the coaches of others. This Is particularly true in New York, where women whips— in other words, those who can and do drive fours have demonstrated by their increasing number and devotion to the sport that this is no mere fad, but a phase of sport that has come to stay. The present year will mark the fourth anniversary of the organization of the Ladies' Four-in-Hand Club of New York City.

While New York women have been particularly prominent in taking up this sport. It has by no means been limited to that section of the country.  As a matter of fact, there always have been more or less followers of the sport throughout the country, this being particularly true of the West and of the South, where women are much more accustomed to handling horses than in the East.  The old stage-coach of the far West comes at once to mind as an indication of the possibility of four-in-hand driving, but it has not been until comparatively recent years that women have taken their place on the boxes and seized the reins that were formerly held only by men.  In the South, where people are so much devoted to the horse, and where his use is so much more common than in the Northern and the Eastern parts of this country, it would naturally follow that he would be a far greater factor in many sports and would have an untold number of enthusiastic followers, whether the expression of their enthusiasm found vent in riding or in driving.  Fine macadam roads, found in the East and central parts of the country, have been lacking in the South, and because of this and because the South's soft dirt roads furnish excellent means for travel by horseback, saddle-horses have naturally come to occupy a more prominent place in Southern life than anywhere else In the country.   Yet the knowledge of horses possessed by Southern women has not been limited to their possibilities as mounts, for many Southern women have become excellent drivers of horses, either in single harness, in pairs or in fours, and many of these women who have journeyed North to become either temporary or permanent residents of Washington, Philadelphia or New York, have proved to be most adept at handling the reins over the backs of the most capricious and high-spirited quartets.


Miss Mary Harriman tooling a coach


Miss Florence McK. Twombly and Four-in-Hand

The opportunities for four-in-hand driving in the vicinity of New York are very great, for the surrounding country has been for many years the natural field of endeavor for drivers of all kinds. On Long Island the roads are so good that every opportunity is given to make four-in-hand driving most attractive and interesting. At many of the meets during the hunting-season, whether it be at Meadowbrook or Rockaway Hunts or other clubs, a well-appointed  four-in-hand, driven by a woman, is a not unusual sight. Mention here should be made of Miss Gulliver, who often drives a four-in-hand during the summer months from New York city as far as Southampton, a distant of about one hundred miles, partly over very poor roads.



Parade of the Ladies’ Four-in-Hand Driving Club, Central Park, New York

Most prominent in the sport of four-in-hand driving, because of their social position and the prominence given their annual meetings, is an organization whose existence has been
referred to earlier in this article, namely, the Ladies' Four-in-Hand Driving Club, most of whose members live in or near New York. The parade of the club, which is held each year in May, is a most picturesque affair. From nine to twelve, or even fifteen, women whips usually participate, each one driving her own coach, or managing the four-in-hand that some relative or friend is the owner of at any rate, demonstrating conclusively her ability to drive. Mrs. Thomas Hastings, who has been president of the club since its inception, has been unfailing in her efforts to advance the sport and further its interest.

    The formation of the club is possessed of a certain amount of interest, being, like so many other things of its kind, purely the result of an accident. Mrs. Hastings and Mrs. Iselin, who was then Miss Eleanor Jay, were watching the annual turn-out of the regular Coaching Club in 1901, and commenting on the poor showing made by the members. "I'll wager we can make a better showing than that ourselves," said Mrs. Hastings, and Miss Jay agreed with her. They counted up the number of coaches owned by women drivers, and found that they could  indeed make a very respectable showing. That same year the Ladies' Four-in-Hand Driving Club was organized, and in May, 1902, the parade of the club was held, since which time the organization has gained steadily in strength and has made a most effective sort of showing in its annual parade. The object of the club primarily is to encourage four-in-hand driving among the women of America, and none except a woman able to drive a four-in-hand is eligible for membership. It is stipulated in the by-laws and constitution of the organization that the president must lead all drives, while the vice-president must always bring up the rear. The club membership is limited to thirty, and one adverse vote suffices to throw out an application. While they are most in evidence in their annual parades, the numbers of the club are continually driving their own coaches throughout the coaching-season, and are, in many instances, as familiar a sight on the roads in and near New York as some of the better-known men whips.


Mrs. Thomas Hastings, President of the Ladies’ Four-in-Hand Driving Club of New York.

The Art of Mrs. Potter


An article from the May, 1905 issue of “The Twentieth Century Home”, by Emily Hope Westfield


English Home of Mrs. Potter



    MRS. POTTER is preeminently an actress by temperament and endowment. Her method is by means of the imagination, rather than the study of a part from a distance. The part she is to play takes possession of her, while many other actresses—the majority, perhaps, of the really great ones— take possession of the part, through study. Edmund Kean sat up all night opposite the Debtors' Door of the Old Bailey to see the Cato Street conspirators put to death. "I mean to die like Thistlewood—I'll imitate every muscle of that man's countenance," he exclaimed. Rachel tells an anecdote of herself which illustrates this method of self-study, too. She learned suddenly of the death of a dear friend, and sank into a chair with a cry, but at the same instant she was struck with the idea that that was the very tone and action needed for her cry of "Alas!" in Corneille's "Horace." Clara Morris tells of copying her best bit of stage-business in "Camille" from an entire stranger in a Broadway street-car.

    Mrs. Potter's method is more spontaneous, and probably more wearing in a play which runs a whole season. It was admirably illustrated in her languorous, sensuous Calypso in Stephen Phillips "Ulysses." Study could hardly have sufficed to produce the splendid interpretation of that part. But the imagination—that can supply a world of emotions. And so the woman, afraid that her lover, her hero, would leave her for greater things, almost gifted with prescience that it must be so, wrung the hearts of the audience. For when primal passion is depicted on the stage, the settings make little difference. Let it be in the ancient days before Christ or today—we understand. The tragedy of renouncing a lover because to cling to him would mean the ultimate ruin of his career has often been portrayed admirably. But rarely if ever has the savage determination to cling to him whatever the result been better interpreted than in Mrs. Potter's Calypso.


    Mrs. Potter's career has been full of interest from the time she made her debut in Baltimore—not a professional one, but that of the average young society woman. As the daughter of Col. David Urquhart, of Louisiana, and later the wife of James Brown Potter, a nephew of the Episcopal bishop of New York, society welcomed her partly because of her inherited position, but more largely because of her beauty and brilliance.  Amateur theatricals soon attracted her as a relief from the ennui of social life in which there was no struggle.  The social climber who meets rebuffs at every run of the ladder finds such a life of absorbing interest.  But for one who can open all doors, boredom inevitably follows.

Styles in Hair-Dressing


From the May 1905 article of “The Twentieth Century Home”, written by Eleanor Burton

    THERE is style in wearing the hair almost as much as there is style in the wearing of hats and bonnets, and the woman who neglects to give a certain amount of attention to the dressing of her hair fails to take advantage of a very easy method to add materially to such natural personal charms as she may possess.


    Some very pretty new styles which are just now quite popular show a soft, loosely waved arrangement, half parted and half pompadoured, which seems quite to have taken the place of the tightly waved, stiff pompadour, and of the severely parted effect which so few women find becoming to them. One of the high dressings popular at the present time is made by lirst parting the hair straight across the top of the head and down back of the ears, then parting the front in three parts on the top and sides (Figure 1). To do this, take the middle piece and draw it back a little tighter than the sides, fasten it and then bring back the sides loosely. Then take up the back hair and tie on top of the head, rolling it in a large puff or coil. A jeweler's butterfly fastened at one side of the coil makes an artistic finish.

fig2 fig3 fig4 
    In Figure 2 (left) is shown the hair parted slightly on the left side, puffed a little over the ear. the other side being puffed in a loose side pompadour drawn back into a loose coil in the middle of the back of the head. This is a popular English style of wearing the hair. The English coronet dressing (Figure 3, center) is another typically English method of dressing the hair. Another dressing shows the hair puffed loosely back and front, loosely waved, and finished with a long twist or loose braid in the center of the head (Figure 4, right).  In trying any of these dressings, it will be found much easier to manage them if the hair is first tied at the back, leaving the front hair free to be puffed and rolled without interfering with the back.

fig5 fig6







   Figure 5 (left) shows a twist or loose braid dressing at the back, and Figure 6 (right) a style of wearing the hair very similar to the coronet dressing. This is the high braided effect, but instead of the hair being parted as in the coronet dressing, it is puffed around the front and also slightly at the back.

fig7  fig8








   A soft, low dressing which is very effective for evening wear is shown in the two illustrations at the lower left of the page (Figures 7 and 8). In this form the hair is twisted into a soft coil and worn very loose and low. The front liair can be parted either in the center or at the side, or puffed in a soft pompadour.  Flowers, rosettes of ribbon or tulle, or jeweled ornaments, caught in at the side or on the top of the coil, give a pretty finish.


A simple dressing which can be worn with the hair combed either low or high is formed by parting the hair straight across the top of the head and down back of the ears, then parting in front at the ears and in the center (Figure 9).  To do this, take each side and comb it up into a puff, pinning it first so as to bring it under the opposite side. Then bring over the other side, turn in the end and pin down the center of the head.   This should form a kind of double-point effect.

Wedding Wednesday – 1905 Bridal Dressmaking


An article from the May, 1905 issue of “The Twentieth Century Home”.


by Mrs. N. M. Slater

“What is so rare as a day in June?”

     AGES ago, one radiant morning of the first June, the great High Priest of a world of His own creating performed the first marriage ceremony by making twain to be one flesh. Circumstances, customs, laws, even the face of nature, change, but the heart of man remains the same. When the unconscious desire of Adam's heart was granted by the creation of Eve, a precedent was established for granting the desires of all his descendants, and, when all is as it should be, a marriage is an event that matches a June day in beauty.
     Eve's part in this combination of happy circumstances is no less important and beautiful than Adam's, and it is with her part of the affair that the home dressmaker is mostly concerned. But though she must needs have garments, and may, if she desire it, "stitch sweet dreams into them," it is not in trousseaus alone that she is interested.
     The utilitarian side of the wedding outfit Is important; and its significance as a sign of the nature of the woman is greater. When liberty of choice is possible, one's garments inevitably become the "outward, visible sign of the inward, spiritual grace." or of its opposite. What necessity, then, for the bride, more than all other women, to select for the adornment of her person and her home what most nearly expresses her highest ideals, and then to make the strongest possible effort, in beginning the new life, to live up to that ideal!
      Of course, it is easier to express one's ideals in dress when there is plenty of money; some money is a necessity, and if the bride-elect has not "some." she would, in most cases, best wait till the needful is forthcoming. It is supposed, however, that she has a sufficiency of cash, with good sense and good taste to use it to the best advantage, and skill with the needle to construct the appropriate garments properly.

Fig1Figure 1: Dress of White Silk Mull with Trimmings of Valenciennes Lace

It is also supposed that the bride- elect completed the filling of her linen-chest during the white sales of January und February; also that the muslins, cambrics, nainsooks, laces and embroideries necessary for the dozens, or at least half-dozens, of dainty undergarments, were bought about that time, and were made during the stormy days of February and March. Negligees, house-gowns and suits should have been completed during April, so that during the sweet month of May the wedding-gown may be made at leisure, leaving plenty of time for the society of family, friends and lover.  A girl’s last days at home should not be spoiled by anxiety about unfinished wedding preparations.
     The list of materials of which a wedding-gown may be made by the home dressmaker is long enough to give opportunity for a wise choice that will suit even a slender income.   Who does not remember the wedding in "Little Women," when sweet Meg March, refusing to wear silk, lace or orange-blossoms, became Mrs. John Brooke in a simple gown of her own making?  Incongruity is the discordant note in many a wedding-march. Let the home dressmaker avoid it.
    For a simple home wedding, there are dainty lawns, batistes and organdies. Silk mull makes a pretty dress, as it shirrs and drapes well. The first cost is very little, but a gown of It would still be expensive, as it does not wear extremely well. White cashmere or white poplin would make a pretty and sensible gown. The soft silks—chiffon, taffeta, peau de sole and peau de cygne—ore, of course, very beautiful and satisfactory; but for a gown that would be not immoderately expensive, would be suitable for a wedding or any other full-dress occasion, wear for many years and be beautiful all the time. crepe-de-Chine, in the opinion of the Home Dressmaking department, exceeds any other material. Its soft, lustrous folds are a delight to the eye and to the touch, and it lends itself to any form of draping, pulling or shirring; and it is also so beautiful in itself that it could be made up very plainly and still look well.
     A gown of this material, made by an exclusive house, is worthy of note. It was simple enough for the home dressmaker to do, though the general effect is that of elaboration. To begin with, there was a deep round yoke of fagoted bands of the material, just the same as has been used, but as popular as ever. The top of the blouse was shirred several times; this also has been in use for some time. The new feature was a very wide
band of chiffon embroidery. laid partly on the fagoting and partly on the blouse and the top of the sleeve. Narrower embroidery of the same sort was placed at the upper edge of the stock. The sleeves had two rather deep puffs, shirred at the top and between the puffs. A long cuff came to the elbow, and was finished at the wrist with the embroidery. The girdle was laced with a chiffon scarf.
     The skirt-top was moderately full, and shirred to yoke-depth; at the lower edge was a
band of fagoting fully eight inches In width. There was a deep flounce, with three tucks and a hem each one and one-quarter inches deep at the bottom. The top had four or five rows of shirring.  The joining of the flounce and the skin-top was concealed by embroidery, wider than that used on the waist. The dress was pale-green, and the embroidery was the same color. Ivory-white would of course be used by a bride, and lace would be more appropriate than the embroidery, because more lasting.
     Any gown of this kind requires a perfectly fitted lining.  Follow the directions, and observe the diagrams in the January number, with the exception that in making a blouse the under-arm seams of both lining and outside are sewed separately and outside, and linings are joined only at the arms-eye, the yoke, and the bottom of the waist.
     Figure 1 shows a dress of unite silk mull, that may also be made of sheer lawn, Swiss muslin, batiste or organdy, with trimmings of the Valenciennes lace so popular this season. The lining may be a perfectly fitted guimpe, open in the back or the outside. It may be attached in the usual way at the arms-eye and at the bottom of the waist. The last would be the easier and therefore the better way. The surplice is really easy to make, as It is only a piece of the material, straight on the length, long enough to reach from back to front, and cross in both places.
     This is the order of work: Cut, baste and carefully fit the lining. Finish the seams as described in January number, unless the outside material is so thin that the seams will show through, in which case leave the seams Inside, but bind them, or finish them in any neat way. Sew on the hooks and eyes, and whalebone or featherbone. Try on, and get the lace yoke and stock carefully and snugly pinned in position. Then baste and stitch yoke, and cut away the lining from under the lace, and finish as directed in January number.                                                                                                                            The surplice is now put on, and it can best be done on the form of the person who is to wear it. If this Is not possible, use a bust-form. Take a straight piece of goods, long enough to reach from back to front and wide enough to allow the proper amount of fulness and to cut in the right shape under the arms. Place it first on the shoulder, pinning the fulness in plaits. Draw the material a little past the center front, arranging the drapery tastefully, and pin to the lining. Pin the material smoothly to the lining from the darts to the underarm seam, and trim off the surplus around the arms-eye and down the seam.
     Do the same with the back, and then with the other side. Mark the places for the shillings at the shoulder, remove the outside, do the shirrings, but do not fasten the threads. Baste the underarm seams. Try on once more, and if all is as it should be, stitch and press the underarm seams, and again put the outside in position, and sew it there. Then finish the lower edge of the waist in any neat way.   Just now there is a fancy for finishing lined waists with a bias fold.   See January number.
     Cut the outside sleeve, using Diagram 5,page 60, January number, as a model, but allowing more fulness and a little more length. A lining sleeve of wash net is good for a sleeve of thin material, and it may be cut like Diagram 6, same page of January magazine. Take up tucks in the outside material, shirring them to fit the lining. It is well to remember that shirring done on cords keeps in place excellently. Form the cufl by applying bands of Valenciennes insertion, with ruffles of Valenciennes edging on each side, and stitch them, using a rather loose tension. Stitch the sleeve lining, leaving the cuff open halfway to the elbow, finishing the opening with a very narrow bias fold. There
should be a ruffle of luce at the wrist, and the closings be done with tiny buttons and small silk cord.
     Sew up the outside sleeve and attach it to the lining. Then sew the sleeves to the arms-eyes and finish the seam in the usual way.
     The top of the skirt is seven-gored, and is gathered simply into a waist-band, but shirring would be extremely pretty.  Bands of Valenciennes insertion, with ruffles of lace at either side, form a heading for the deep straight flounce, that may have tucks at the bottom, or simply a hem.


Figure 2: Gown of Ivory-White Crepe-Dechine, combined with all-over lace

Figure 2 represents a more elaborate gown of ivory-white crepe-de-Chine, combined with all-over lace used in the V-shaped waist front, and the panel in the skirt. The waist and sleeve are made in nearly the same way as the mull dress. The shirring is done on cords, which is the safer way, as they keep in better shape. The most charming feature of this dress is the trimming, formed! of bands of the material, shirred on each edge, and applied in any pretty design, the same as mohair braid or passe-menterie would be used. Two widths are used. The wider is applied in a straight line from the shirring, near the center of the skirt down the seam, and around the bottom of the skirt, and may be about one inch in width finished. The finished width of the narrower shirring is three-quarters of an inch, and it is applied in all the lines where the lace and the goods meet, and it may be arrunged in any fanciful design that good taste and the fashion of the day would dictate. The illustration shows an easy but graceful design.
     To wear or not to wear a veil is sometimes a serious question,and as tulle, the material from which most bridal veils are made, is not extremely expensive, the question is not so much one of cost, as of its being in harmony with the other preparations. The veil is beautiful in its symbolism and in itself, but unless the wedding is to be a somewhat ceremonious affair, the Home Dressmaking department does not advise its use.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Coquetry and Flirtation



As it appeared in “The Twentieth Century Home”, May, 1905                                         by Rafford Pyke

    To the mind of the average woman the two words which head this paper mean one and the same thing; but there is in fact a real distinction to be made between them. Coquetry is one of the charming little arts which are intuitive in every girl, and which are altogether innocent and pleasing. It is nothing more than the assumption of a winningly capricious manner, just the least provocative, just the least impertinent, just the least imperious. It assumes that man is a pursuer who may be alternately attracted and discouraged, by experiencing first a show of favor and then a simulated indifference or disdain. It is all the merest play, and it enables a young girl to bring to bear all the weapons with which nature has provided her for the harmless delectation of the other sex —smiles, pouts, frowns, arch looks and pretty gestures of command or of reproach. Many a girl who has just begun to practise coquetry upon her male acquaintances imagines that she has been flirting desperately, and she so speaks of it, with an excited little air of having done something very daring and pleasantly reprehensible. She thinks over all her saucy words, her flashes of repartee and the pertness of her bearing toward her amused admirers, and she feels like a little queen who has just succeeded to her throne and who is experimenting with her newly acquired power.

    But all this sort of thing is very different from flirting, which is a much more serious affair.   Coquetry is practised openly. The more who witness it the better pleased is the coquette. Indeed, she is anxious to have as many as possible observe her prowess.   She can coquet with a dozen men at once, and the presence of persons of her own sex simply enhances her sense of  triumph  and  general  beatitude.   Moreover,  in coquetry, laughter is seldom far away—at least from the lips of the coquette. It is all such fun!   In the crude young girl it takes the form of giggling, but in the better-bred it sounds in little peals and ripples of laughter which are a joy to hear.   But just because coquetry is, so to speak, an open, public thing, and because it has mirth for its concomitant, it is wholly harmless.   The coquette in reality is always thinking of herself alone, and very little of those on whom she practises her coquetry.   They are merely opportunities.   Her unconscious egotism is a sure protection against any serious harm, either to herself or to others.   In fact, the whole thing is a bit of play, a little social comedy in which grave looks are only momentarily assumed, and in which the denouement brings a peal of happy laughter.

    But flirting is very different from this.   Its very essence is the solitude a deux and the
air of rapt and thoroughly absorbed attention.  Just as coquetry aims at the pretended conquest of many, so flirtation seeks the actual subjugation of one.   Its most effective form  is where it begins in a perfectly indifferent acquaintance, which passes slowly into a confidential but unsentimental friendship, and then deepens and strengthens into an apparent intensity of feeling that intimates unutterable things. There is little mirth in a genuine flirtation. Laughter and lightness would belie and contradict the emotions which are at least supposed to sway the pair who flirt. And this is why flirtation makes a much more stirring appeal to every woman than mere coquetry—since every woman desires to be taken very seriously. She may be humorous and full of gaiety in all things else; but when it comes to sentiment, she will not even seem to yield unless her yielding can be made to bear the look of a surrender to superior force or feeling.

    Coquetry is essentially the pastime of the debutante. It is a rather silly thing in itself, and becomes attractive only through the artless grace and pertness and unstudied naturalness of the innocent. As the years go by and experience comes, then coquetry is but an artifice. It hardens into a manner and ends in an affectation which is either pitiful or ludicrous.But flirting, since it has the air of seriousness, belongs to every age, and the passion for it only grows with time. It is in reality unworthy of a truly womanly woman or of a manly man; for it involves the cult of insincerity, and thereby impairs the power of loving truly or feeling deeply.   A practiced flirt becomes at last a very paltry creature, for the lack of truth and earnestness is in the end perceptible to every one who knows the world. And  so, the woman who has flirted away the possibility of a genuine affection, yet who craves the emotional stimulus of the jeu d'amour, spends the last years of her middle period in befooling inexperienced boys; while the male flirt, more wisely or at least more harmlessly, is apt to take an easy refuge in misogynism, professing a low opinion of women as a sex, and passing his idle hours in concocting epigrams of cynicism. The male flirt and the female flirt of long and constant practice never try their arts upon each other.  They know each move of the game so well as to anticipate it, and thus all possible excitement is eliminated; and if they looked each other in the eye they could scarcely keep their faces straight.   It is a sorry business altogether, and those who enter on it for the first time with a thrill of pleasurable excitement, should know that before very long there is nothing which becomes so great a bore.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fairfax, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.


St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fairfax, Minn.

    Organized 1890, through Rev. C. I. Hilpert of the Wellington Lutheran church. Served by Revs. S. Fischer and J. Eitel of the Ridgely Lutheran church, 1891-1895, and by Rev. J. H. Naumann of Gibbon, 1895-1900. First resident pastor, Rev. Im. F. Albrecht. 1900 until present time.
    Founders: John Albrecht, Paul Albrecht, G. Renner, Robt. Wiehr, W. Borth, Sr., F. Fehlhaber, Geo. Gugisberg, Fr. Hilpert, G. Hoepner, Joh. Severin, Alb. Wiehr, Sr., Mrs. L. S. Palmer.
    German English Parochial established 1900, in exclusive charge of pastor until 1908; assisted by W. Nuesing 1908; O. Kerkow, 1909; O. Flene, 1910.  First regular teacher, Harry Meyer, 1911-1912; present teacher, O. F. Boerneke, since 1912.    Average enrollment during late years, 50 scholars.
    First church built 1892-1893; school house, 1903; parsonage, 1905; cemetery, within a mile of village, bought 1905; new church,1915-1910, at a cost of $25,000.   Value of property. $33,000-35,000.
    Former officials were: Joh. H. Dickmeyer, John Grunke, John Severin, Chas. Kuehlbach, G. Renner, W. Borth. Sr., F. Fehlhaber, Trustees.
    Miss Meta Dickmeyer. organist, 1901-1916.
    Present officials: President, Paul Albrecht; secretary, Carl.Laub; treasurer. W. Kiehn. Sr.
    Board of Deacons and Trustees: John Albrecht, Hy. Clobes, Louis Dickmeyer, W. Kiehn, W. Sommer.
    School Board: Rev. Im. F. Albrecht, O. F. Boerneker. J. C. Braun, Carl Laeupple, Aug. Voeks.
    Cemetery Board: Hy. Clobes, Louis Wellner, Chas. Wellner.
    Status, according to last official report: Families represented in and served by this church, 133 (53 in the county and 80 in the village of
Fairfax); souls, 555; communicant members. 325; voting members, 68.

List of Voting Members at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Fairfax

Albrecht, Hy.
Albrecht, Im. F.
Albrecht, Jno.
Albrecht, Paul
Bleick, M.
Boerneke, O.
Borth, Ed.
Borth, Geo.
Borth, Herm.
Borth, W.
Braun, J. C.
Briese, A. G.
Briese, Fr.
Buboltz, Fr.
Clobes, Hy.
Dallmann, Chas. W.
Dallmann, F. A.
Dickmeyer, Alf.
Dickmeyer, F. C.
Dickmeyer, H. F.
Dickmeyer, Louis
Dorn, Alb.
Dorn, Karl
Duenow, Jul.
Frams, J. C.
Grams, G., Sr.
Grams, Jul., Jr.
Grunke, Hy.
Hamann, E.
Hamann, F., Jr.
Hanssen, Jno.
Julius, Joe, Jr.
Just, E.
Kaegbein, T.
Keicker, Aug., Sr.
Kiecker, Aug., Jr.
Kiecker, Ed.
Kiecker, Emil
Kiecker, Ferd.
Kiecker, Rich.
Kiecker, Warnie
Kiehn, W.
Kuester, Edw.
Laeupple, C.
Laub, C.
Lenz, F.
Marwede, C. H.
Meyer, Chr.
Palmer, Jno.
Renner, G.
Schefuss, E.
Schefuss, W.
Schewe, Hy.
Schiffmann, E.
Schroeder, Chas.
Schroeder, Fr.
Schroeder, Jno.
Schultz, F.
Sommer, W.
Steinke, Geo.
Stoll, Ed.
Timme, John
Voeks, Aug.
Voeks, Herm.
Waknitz, Aug.
Wellner, Chas.
Wellner, Louios
Wenigar, Ad.
Wiehr, Alb.
Wiehr, Robt., Sr.

Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wellington Township, Renville County, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.


Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel's Congregation was organized in the house of Mr, Edward Kiecker, in Town of Wellington, Renville Co,, Minn., on February 6th, 1879. The first Elders were: Rudolf Paschke, Secy., Julius Kiecker, Michael Karau; Trustees: Albert L. Kiecker, Treas., Otto Kiecker, Wm, Freyholtz, Sr.  The Rev. Henry Albrecht of New Auburn served them for 1 1/2 years.  Rev. Vollmar of the same place 1/2 year. The first pastor living with the congregation was Rev. J. Grabarkewitz, from 1880 to 1883.   Rev. C. Hilpert served from 1884 to 1902.   Rev. Jul. Engel from 1902 to 1912.   1912, Rev. E. G. Fritz was called and accepted, he is still in charge.   In 1880 the first parsonage and chapel was built on Wm. Freyholtz's land.   In 1883 40 acres of land were bought and the buildings moved on it. In 1889 a new church was built. The new parsonage was built in 1892 and improved in 1916. The church was improved in 1914, by adding an altar niche and sacristy, a new pulpit and altar. The pipe organ was bought in 1913.   Mr. Raedeke was teacher in the Parochial School for about two years.   In 1913 Student Spaude and 1914 Student John Laub instructed.   In 1915 Mr. G. Wachter and in 1916 and 1917 Mr. E. Kirschke.  Since Sept. a. c. Miss L. Dallman is the Instructor.

The members today are:

Berger, Carl
Berger, Gust,
Berger, Otto
Bleck, Leonard
Rorth, Frank
Borth, Fred
Ruhr, John
Buboltz, Alb,
Bubolt, Carl
Buboltz, Paul
Buboltz, Helmet
Dallmann, Ernst
Dallmann, Herman
Detterllng, John
Dettmann, Julius
Freyholtz, Carl
Freyholtz, Gust.
Freyholtz, Paul
Freyholtz, Robt.
Freyholtz, Wm.
Fritz, E. A.
Fritz, Frank
Grams, Carl
Hamann, Henry
Helwig, Louis
Hillmann, Carl
Kandt, Kriuard
Kandt, Frank
Kiecker, Albert L.
Kiecker, Erdreich
Kiecker, Anton
Kiecker, Edmund
Kiecker, Emll
Kiecker, Fritz
Kiecker, Helmut
Kiecker, Herman
Kiecker, Hugo
Kiecker, Otto J.
Kiecker, Otto W.
Kiecker, Relnhard.
Kiecker,  Robt., Sr.
Kiecker,   Robt., Jr.
Kiecker, Rudolf
Kuester, Henry
Kuester, Herman
Kleman, Eduard
Lehmann, Herman
Luedtke, Daniel
Mahlke, Gust.
Paschke,  Emil
Schmechel, Herman
Timm, Wm.
Wendt, Aug.

These the voting members; others belonging to the congregation are:

Kandt, Mrs.
Sell, Mrs. E.
Bleck, Mrs. C.
Helwig, Mrs. J.
Bleck, Carl
Bleck, Geo.
Bleck, Gust.
Freyholtz, Otto
Hillmann, Theo.
Poleski, Hugo
Hoefs, Beni.
Voecks, Otto
Broth, Albert
Sell, Theo.
Sell, Emil
Lietzau, Carl
Bethke, E.
Grams, Gust.

The Elders are:
Herman Shemecher
Reinhard Kiecker
Alb. Buboltz

August Wendt
Robt. Freyholtz
John Detterling
Gust. Freyholtz, Secr.
R. Kiecker, Sr., Treas.
E. A. Fritz, Sexton

Gibbon Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel’s Church


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.




    This congregation was organized in the year 1885,  by the Rev. J. Frey, pastor of the congregation in Moltke Township,  Sibley Co., Minn.  The first meetings were held in the public school house of Gibbon. In the year 1886 the resolution was passed to build a church, and for its location an eight acre tract of land was secured. The first church was a structure 28x30. The membership of the congregation grew so rapidly that it was deemed necessary to call a local pastor. In the year 1889, the Rev. J. Bauer was duly called and a parsonage erected for his residence. Rev. J. Bauer served the congregation faithfully until 1894. For nearly a year the congregation was served again by the Rev. W. Zobe, of Moltke. In the next year, 1895, they called Rev. J. Nauman from Wolsey, S. D.  Under his leadership the congregation made considerable progress. A parochial school building was erected and an addition to the house built. In the year 1904, Rev. J. Nauman was called away and the congregation called the present minister, Rev. Hy. Boettcher, from Springfield. Minn. The membership had so increased that it became imperative to call a  teacher to relieve the minister of this school work. Prof. F. Grimm of New Ulm College, was called to take over the school, which was attended by 50 pupils. In the year 1909 the congregation erected a residence for him. This completed the necessary building for church work. However, soon the church became too small for the congregation and a practically new church was built in the year 1912. Prof. F. Grimm, having received a call to Appleton, Wis., left in the year 1914, and Prof. C. Hohenstein was called to his place. In the year 1916 a new. large pipe organ was secured and in 1917
a new. modern, elegant parsonage was erected.
    The services are conducted in both languages, the American and German.  The membership consists in 130 families of which there are 99 voting members.   It has three societies   The Ladies' Aid, the Sewing Circle and the Young People's Society.   The number of school children is at present 40.   Following are the Board of Regents:
H. Burns,  F. Burdorf, G. Briese,  Elders.
W. Ohland,  W. Baudon, J. W. Boock, Trustees.
H. Krammer, F. Harms, Hy. Rodewald, School Board.
Fred Baudow, Treasurer.


Abraham, J.
Bade, G.
Bade, Her.
Bade, Hy.
Bandow, C.
Bandow, F.
Bandow, J.
Bandow, Theo.
Baudow, W.
Black, R.
Block, C.
Boeder, F.
Bohr, L.
Boock, J. W.
Briese, G.
Briese, H.
Briese, J.
Briese, W.
Brust, L.
Buerkle, G.
Bunns, H.
Burdorf, F.
Burdorf, W.
Burns, Theo.
Friedrich, A.
Friedrich, F.
Friedrich, H.
Fritz, O.
Glaeser, J.
Goetsch, H.
Gruehnhagen, E.
Gugisberg, W.
Harms, F.
Hoppensted, W.
Hoppenstedt, W.
Huehnerberg, J.
Huehnerberg, W.
Jahnke, F.
Joecke, F.
Kiehm, A.
Klukas, R.
Kraft, O.
Krammer, F.
Krammer, H.
Lentz, F.
Lentz, J.
Leske, B.
Leske, W.
Lubitz, F.
Luehring, W.
Miller, P.
Mueffelmann, W.
Mueller, A.
Niebuhr, H.
Niebuhr, J.
Niebuhr, W.
Nieburh, W. D.
Ohland, F.
Ohland, W.
Pagel, C.
Penk, L.
Peterson, Theo.
Pless, R.
Redmann, W.
Remus, H.
Remus, J.
Riebe, E.
Rodewald, D.
Rodewald, H.
Sauter, R.
Schauer, C.
Schempf, J.
Schempf, W.
Schroeder, H., Jr.
Schroeder, H., Sr.
Seemann, H.
Spaude, Aug., Jr.
Spaude, Aug., Sr.
Sprengeler, F.
Stiehm, F.
Stiehm, H.
Stockman, H.
Thiem, G.
Vorwerk, P.
Walter, C.
Wenberg, W. W.
Wichelmann, F.
Wolter, H.
Wolter, S.

Lutheran Zion’s Church, Green Isle Township, Sibley county, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.




F. H. Kolbe, 1872-1879
G. E. Ahner, 1879-1889
W. C. Schilling, 1889-1893
H. Lossner, 1893-1899
K. C. Reuter, since 1900










Abraham, John
Brockhoff, Alb.
Brockhoff, Herm.
Brockhoff, Julius
Brockhoff, Louis C.
Bruch, Carl
Bruch, Edward
Buller, Martin
Bullert, Carl
Bullert, Edward H.
Bullert, Edward H. J.
Bullert, Edward J.
Bullert, Ernest
Bullert, Fred.
Bullert, Gottfried
Bullert, Herm.
Bullert, John
Bullert, John A.
Bullert, Mrs. Henry
Dupslaff, Carl
Dupslaff, Gust.
Ehlers, Henry
Fenske, Aug.
Fries, Balth.
Fries, George
Fries, George
Goebel, Aug.
Goebel, Carl
Hafemann, Herm.
Herrmann, Ernest
Herrmann, Peter
Jahr, Henry
Joel, Mrs. Fred
Kamps, Gottfe.
Koester, Wil.
Kriese, Wil.
Kuhnan, Reinh.
Kuhnan, Rob.
Lindemeier, Fr.
Lueck, Aug.
Lueck, Wil.
Mueller, Mart.
Muelling, Carl
Muelling, Louis
Neuhaus, H.
Nimtz, Aug.
Nimtz, Carl
Peters, Wil.
Riedler, Alb.
Ristau, Carl
Rucks, Aug.
Rucks, Fred.
Schauer, Adolph
Schauer, Albert
Schauer, Carl
Schauer, Fred
Schauer, John
Scheele, Wil.
Schwartz, Herm.
Schwartz, Jul.
Schwartz, Paul
Spannaus, Ferd.
Tabbert, Adolph
Tabbert, Ernest
Tabbert, Ferd.
Tabbert, Wil.
Techtenhagen, John
Thalmann, Herm.
Vinkemeier, Henry
Winter, Henry
Winter, Mich.
Wolter, Ed. F.
Ziegler, Martin
Ziegler, Mrs. Wil.

Evangelical Lutheran St. Johannes Church, Minnesota



This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.



Evangelical Lutheran St. Johannes Church, M. F. Abraham, Pastor

Services at 10 o'clock a.m. from October 1, to April 1; at 9:30 a.m. from April 1, to October 1.

English about once a month.  School from October to May.

Rev. F. Birdermann, 1889-1890
Rev. R. Jank, 1891-1897
Rev. E. Robert, 1897-1907
Rev. M. F. Abraham, 1908-
W. L. Kleinschmidt and W. Schmahl served as school teachers during the years 1875-1890.

Ministerial acts performed, 1857-1917: Baptized, 1,067; Confirmed, 447; Married, 161; Buried, 233; Communicants, 29,307.


Asal, August
Asal, Ph.
Bade, Wm.
Barge, Wm.
Bening, Walter
Bethke, Fred
Bethke, Mrs. Sophia
Bethke, Richard
Blaesing, Martin
Bleasing, Carl
Boettcher, Wm.
Castens, Hey.
Dirterling, Wm.
Dirts, Adolf]
Doerr, Mrs. Hey.
Duehlmeirr, Aug.
Eilbs, Hey.
Fisher, Geo.
Freudenthal, Wm.
Girmann, Ernst
Gorr, Carl
Grimhagen, Geo.
Hardel, Wm.
Kube, Carl
Kube, Fr., Sr.
Kube, Wm.
Lange, Carl
Lieske, A. F.
Lieske, A. L.
Lieske, Albert G.
Lieske, Edward
Lieske, Fr., Sr.
Lieske, Fred A., Jr.
Lieske, Hermann
Lieske, Hy. F.
Lieske, Wm.
Meffert, Herm.
Meffert, Ph.
Meirr, Mrs. And.
Nagel, Henry
Nagel, Martin
Nagel, Mrs. Hey.
Nagel, William
Raeth, Chas.
Ranzinger, Emil
Rehling, Mrs. Wm.
Reichenbach, Louis
Roehler, Hey
Roehler, Paul
Schauer, Art.
Schuetz, Fred.
Schulz, Wm.
Soeffker, Ferd.
Soeffker, Fred
Soeffker, Gerh.
Streissynth, Wm.
Thirss, Hey.
Thoele, Louis
Weckworth, Hermann
Weckworth, Hey.
Weckworth, John
Weihe, Carl
Weihe, Ed.
Weihe, Geo.
Willmsen, Hy.
Willmsen, Peter

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Arlington, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917. 



St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Arlington, Minn.
Organized 1872, Membership 165
Present building erected 1886; enlarged 1903, seating capacity, 500
You are invited to attend our services.  WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED.

Robert Heidmann, pastor
The Trustees and Elders of our congregation are:
Jacob Kroells, H. J. Meyer and H. J. Moskop
F. W. Witte, Secretary - H. C. Meffert, Treasurer
Miss Elsie Heidmann, Teacher of our Parochial School
Prof. F. Fettinger, Organist and Choirmaster
Present officers of the Ladies' Aid Society are: Mrs. A. W. Lieske, president; Mrs. M. Dixon, treasurer; Mrs. H. Meisner, secretary


Voting Members

Altnow, Gust.
Andersen, H.
Bachmann, Fr.
Bachmann, Wm.
Bade, Christ.
Barge, Wm.
Berndt, Alb.
Berndt, Aug.
Bernstein, Hy.
Betke, Aug.
Bogatzki, Karl
Brockoff, Gust.
Brockoff, Wm.
Bussmann, F.
Comnick, C. W.
Damm, Fr.
Darkow, Wm.
Dietzel, Anton
Doering, Aug.
Dose, Herm.
Duehlmeyer, Wm.
Ehlers, Ernst
Fenske, H. J.
Follrath, F.
Frenzel, Ed.
Gall, Paul
Glander, Karl
Goebel, A. F.
Goebel, Fred.
Goehl, Gust.
Gohlke, Wm.
Gorr, Fred.
Gosewisch, A.
Hardel, Aug.
Hardel, Fred.
Henke, Ehler
Henke, Ernst
Hillemann, L.
Joel, Martin
Kamps, Ed.
Kamps, Jac.
Kister, Christ.
Kistner, Fred.
Kistner, Hy.
Kistner, Rich.
Kleist, Ed.
Kleist, Karl
Kroells, Jac.
Kurtzweg, M.
Kurtzweg, Wm.
Kutz, Reinhold
Lampe, Karl
Lemberg, Ferd.
Lichttenegger, G.
Lieske, A. W.
Lietzau, Karl
Lucht, Fred.
Lueck, Hy.
Luepke, Franz
Martin, Gottl.
Martin, Sal.
Meffert, H. C.
Meffert, John
Meier, Fred.
Meisner, H. J.
Meisner, Wm.
Melzer, Aug.
Meyer, A. A.
Meyer, H. C.
Meyer, H. J. Jr.
Meyer, John Jr.
Meyer, John Sr.
Meyer, Karl
Meyer, Rud.
Mielke, Gottl.
Milbrandt, Louis
Mohrland, Karl
Moskop, Fred. D.
Moskop, H. J.
Muehlsted, Aug.
Mueller, C.
Mueller, F. G. J.

Mueller, Fred.
Mueller, Wm. R.
Narr, Christ
Narr, John W.
Nickel, Herm.
Nickel, John
Nieland, Ed.
Nieland, Hy.
Nieland, Wm.
Noack, H. M.
Norton, Fred.
Norton, Walter
Penk, Gust.
Peters, John
Pischke, John
Poplau, Alb.
Poplau, Karl
Quast, Ed.
Reichenbach, Karl
Reinke, John
Riebe, Louis
Riedler, F. J.
Riedler, I.
Riedler, Karl
Rischmueller, A.
Rischmueller, Fred.
Rischmueller, Hy.
Rischmueller, John
Rucks, karl
Sauer, David
Scharping, A. W.
Schauer, Hy.
Schmidt, Otto
Schmieduth, L.
Schoof, Christ.
Schulenberg, F.
Schulenberg, H.
Schulz, Wm.
Schwirtz, Jac.
Soeffker, Hy.
Soeffker, J.
Soeffker, P.
Spannaus, Fr.
Spannaus, Karl
Stock, Ferd.
Stock, Rud.
Stoefen, Peter
Stucke, Hy.
Teschendorf, K.
Tessmer, Wm. L.
Thies, Dietr.
Timm, Alb.
Timm, Herm.
Timm, Karl Jr.
Timm, Karl Sr.
Timm, W. F.
Unglaub, Hy.
Voight, Fred.
Voight, Wm.
Voting Members
Wallert, Wernst
Wegner, Aug.
Weihe, Geo.
Weihe, Hy. C.
Weihe, Wm.
Wemeier, Hy.
Wentzlaff, A. Jr.
Wentzlaff, A. Sr.
Wentzlaff, Fr. A.
Wentzlaff, Fred.
Wiemann, Herm.
Wiemann, Hy.
Wiemeier, Wm.
Wirt, Karl
Witte, F. W.
Wolff, Emil
Wolter, John
Wolter, Reinh.
Wolters, Fred.
Wolters, Geo.
Zimmermann, A. J.
Zutz, John

Lady Members
Bening, Mrs. Curt
Bovy, Mrs. Carol
Bullert, Mrs. Fred
Deterling, Miss Emily
Dixon, Mrs. Lina
Doerr, Mrs. Jonas
Fuerstnow, Mrs. Fr.
Huckenpoehler, Mrs. Aug.
Koernig, Mrs. Charl.
Krutzweg, Mrs. M., Sr.
Locher, Mrs. Ida
Mueller, Mrs. M. L.
Niemann, Mrs. Anna
Poplau, Mrs. K., Sr.
Quast, Mrs. Aug.
Quast, Mrs. Emil
Rischmueller, Mrs. L.
Schauer, Mrs. Carol
Schmugge, Mrs. Wm.
Siekmann, Mrs. Aug.
Siekmann, Mrs. Ed.Krueger, Mrs. L.
Strobel, Mrs. Frank
Voight, Mrs. Hy
Wolff, Mrs., Sr.
Zimmermann, Mrs. A.
Communicant Members, Aside from the Foregoing
Altnow, A. & F.
Altnow, G. & H.
Andersen, Hy.
Bening, F. W.
Bruesehoff, Wm.
Burdorf, Herm.
Delzer, Mrs. Emil
Doering, Alb.
Doerr, Phil.
Grosting, Paul
Grube, Mrs. W.
Harbarth, Carl
Hillemann, Hy.
Huckenpoehler, Ed.
Knight, Mrs. Hy.
Meisner, Geo.
Milbrandt, Hy.
Quehl, Mrs. M.
Schulz, Arthur
Schulz, Otto
Soeffker, Wm.
Stock, Hy.
Stoefen, Fred.
Stucke, Louis
Tonn, Hy.
Traut, Alex.
Wiemeier, John

Boys Now in U. S. Army

Bullert, Fred, Co. A., 351st Inf., Camp Dodge, Iowa
Doerr, Louis, Co. C., 351st Inf., Camp Dodge, Iowa
Nieland, Jos., Co. A, 351st Inf., Camp Dodge, Iowa
Norton, Alfr., Bat. A, 2nd F. A., Presidio, San Francisco
Quast, Herm., Co. B., 126th Inf., Demin, N. M.
Schulenberg, A., Co. A., 351st Inf., Camp Dodge, Iowa
Wiemann, A., Co. A., 351st Inf., Camp Dodge, Iowa

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.



Dr. Martin Luther College

New Ulm, Minn.

“A Good School for Your Boy or Girl".”

From left, Administration Building, Music Hall, Dormitory

Immanuel Lutheran Church, Gaylord, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Sibley county, Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.




    Early in the year 1882 a number of Lutherans met in the village of Gaylord, which had but recently come into being, and discussed the advisability of founding a congregation in the village. The question was favorably received and an organization effected In the first meeting.
    This little band of Lutherans built a house of worship in the same year. For two years they were served by Rev. H. Kretzschmar of  Mountville, but in 1884 they called Rev. E. L. Kretzschmar to minister unto their spiritual needs, who remained with them until he died (1888).
    During Rev. E. L. Kretzschmar's time it became apparent that the original structure was too small for the accommodation of those who
came to hear the Word of God. A new church was built in 1889, only seven years after the congregation had been organized.
    Rev. E. L. Kretzschmar having died, Rev. A. Ph. Pankow was called.  He, in turn, was succeeded by Rev. Aug. Hertwig. under whose able leadership and conscientious guidance the congregation became what it now is: a staunch body of energetic Lutherans, who stand every ready to do and to give for the kingdom of Him who not only redeemed them, but also made Himself known to them.
    From its earliest days this congregation zealously held fast to the principle that if you want Lutherans - true and dependable Lutherans, who will not be blown about like chaff - you must raise Lutherans, that is to say, you must bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  If you will ask the Gaylord Lutherans to whom credit is due for growth in membership and for grown in things spiritual, they will reply: To God, faithful pastors, parochial schools, with its efficient teachers; Pastors Kretzschmar and Hertwig and teachers W. Friedrich and G. Taggatz.
    After 23 years of service, Rev. Aug. Hertwig resigned and was succeeded by Rev. E. H. H. Gade, the present incumbent of the office of the holy ministry at Immanuel's.

Voting Members of Immanuel Lutheran Church:

Abraham, H. W.
Abraham, H.
Abraham, Paul
Asmus, Aug.
Borchert, Henry
Borchert, Herrmann
Borchert, Karl
Braasch, Aug.
Braasch, Herrmann
Bulaw, A.
Deiss, Louis
Doering, Aug.
Doering, Gustav.
Doering, Herrmann
Doerre, Alwin
Ebert, Aug.
Enrich, Alex.
Enrich, Karl
Evers, Henry
Fenske, W.
Fenske, W. W.
Fenske, W. A.
Fischer, Albert
Fisdur, F.
Fiss, F.
Franke, Karl
Mueffelmann, J.
Nagel, F.
Otto, Herrmann
Otto, Karl
Polzin, J.
Reichenbach, E.
Roepke, F.
Rose, F.
Rose, H.
Rose, J.
Schlueter, S.
Schmidt, W.
Friedrichs, Herrmann
Friedrichs, W.
Gildemeister, Aug.
Gildemeister, Henry
Gorr, G.
Guetschoff, John
Gorr, Chris.
Guetschoff, Karl
Grewe, K.
Grochow, Otto
Gildemeister, Karl
Gade, E. H. H.
Gaulke, H.
Gildemeister, Karl
Hahn, Henry
Hahn, K. L.
Hahn, W.
Hahn, Otto
Hahn, Herm.
Hahn, Ferd.
Hahn, L.
Hell, W.
Heuer, W.
Hoppe, H.
Jahr, A.
Kramber, K.
Sporing, J.
Schulte, H.
Schulte, W.
Schuppenhorst, W.
Schuett, W.
Schuetz, E.
Severin, H.
Spaude, Aug.
Spiering, E.
Spiering, F.
Splettstoesser, W.
Sommer, A.
Sommer, F.
Kramber, O.
Krueger, E.
Krueter, O.
Krueger, W.
Krueger, J.
Kuehner, A.
Kuehner, H.
Kuphal, I.
Kuphal, K.
Lawrenz, F.
Lemke, Ferd.
Kieske, Aug.
Kieske, L.
Maass, Albert
Maass, Aug. Sr.
Maass, Aug. Jr.
Mathwich, E.
Mathwich, Karl
Maurer, Karl
Meyer, D.
Meyer, F.
Meyer, W.
Mueller, Geo.
Mueller, E.
Mueller, J.
Mueller, H.
Mueller, P.
Sylvester, Aug.
Sylvester, H. C.
Sylvester, O.
Sylvester, R.
Sylvester, W.
Taggaty, G.
Veith, M.
Woller, Aug.
Warnke, H.
Zacharias, E. W.
Zachow, A.
Zachow, H.
Zachow, R.

Evangelical Lutheran St. John’s Congregation – Mountville, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.




The beginning of this congregation dates back as far as summer 1860, when Rev.  Rupprecht of Arlington Twp., Sibley Co., Minn., preached "God's Word and Luther's Doctrine Pure" to a small number of families of the pioneer settlers of this county.   From October, 1861,  Rev. Winter, successor to Rev. Rupprecht, ministered to the spiritual wants of these Lutheran families.   In spring, 1863, the first church of this congregation, a log building, was erected.   The first resident pastor, Rev. Karrer, was installed July, 1864.   At this time a parochial school was established for the children of the congregation.   1865 the first parsonage was built.  In March, 1866, Rev. Karrer accepted a call from Afton, Minn. During the vacancy that ensued Rev.  Schuilze from Arlington Twp. performed the pastoral duties here.   In Aug., 1867, Rev. Damm became the pastor of the congregation.   1869 the second church, this time a frame building, was erected.   In April, 1873, Rev. Damm had to resign on account of sore throat; he was succeeded by Rev. Kaemmerer, from December, 1873, till December, 1875.   Then came Rev. C. Janzow;  he remained from July, 1876, till January, 1879, when he accepted a call from the congregation in Frohna, Perry Co., Mo.  During the vacancy Rev. C. Ross from Arlington Twp., - at present professor of Concordia College, Milwaukee, Wis., - ministered to this congregation.  In summer, 1879, Rev. Kretzschmar was installed; he remained until February, 1885.  In April, 1885, Rev. Rob. Koehler began to minister to this congregation; he accepted a call from Long Prairie July, 1906.  From September, 1906, until this present time*, Rev. H. Prigge has been the pastor of this congregation.  The second parsonage was built in 1879, and the present parsonage in 1901.  The present church building, third in number since the beginning, was erected 1892.  On September 29, 1912, the new pipe organ, costing $1,675.00 was dedicated.

Voting Members:
Abraham, Fr., Sr.
Abraham, Fr., Jr.
Abraham, J.
Bauer, C., Sr.
Bauer, C., Jr.
Bauer, Wm.
Becker, A.
Blatz, Val.
Boettcher, A.
Borchert, Fred
Borchert, Ferd.
Doering, D.
Doering, E.
Doerr, Wm.
Frauendienst, H.
Frauendienst, R.
Frauendienst, L.
Freimuth, D.
Fromm, Fr.
Gildemeister, Her.
Goetsch, Wm.
Goetsch, A.
Goetsch, L.
Grewe, F.
Grochow, A., Sr.
Grochow, A., Jr.
Grochow, W.
Grochow, C.
Grochow, H.
Grochow, Alb.
Grochow, P.
Grunewaldt, O.
Grunewaldt, G.
Gutknecht, A.
Hahn, C.
Hahn, J.
Hahn, F.
hahn, H.
Hahn, L.
Harbarth, E.
Harbarth, O.
Hass, A.
Hass, C.
Hass, Wm.
Henke, Wm., Sr.
Henke, Wm., Jr.
Henke, E.
Hertwig, A.
Hoppe, A.
Hoppe, H.
Illig, Aug.
Illig, Alb.
Krueger, H., Sr.
Krueger, H., Jr.
Laabs, Frieb.
Laabs, Ferd.
Laabs, Otto
Marth, F.
Maass, L.
Muchow, Aug.
Muchow, Alb.
Mueffelmann, Wm.
Podratz, Fr.
Podratz, H.
Podratz, L.
Podratz, E.
Prigge, H.
Quast, A.
Redmann, E.
Rolf, L.
Rose, Theo.
Rose, O.
Rose, P.
Rose, W.
Schatz, H.
Schatz, F.
Schuett, H.
Schuett, J.
Schulz, Alb.
Schulz, Aug.
Schulz, Hry.
Stelter, J.
Stelter, P.
Sylvester, H.
Sylvester, P.
Tessmer, E.
Tribbensee, H.
Tribbensee, Hry.
Tribensee, Alb.
Uecker, W.
Uecker, R.
Uecker, A.
Uecker, M.
Wille, H.
Woller, G.
Wolther, G.
Wolther, C.
Zarnett, F.

Note: I was unable to find a town in Minnesota by the name of Mountville.  Perhaps the town no longer exists.

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winthrop, Minnesota


This article comes from an old Lutheran church booklet, listing some of the congregations around Minnesota as well as some of the teachings of Martin Luther.  The cover is missing, so I cannot supply the title, author, publisher or year, but judging by the dates referenced in various articles, it was written about 1917.



    Just 20 years ago, in the year 1897, this congregation was founded by a handful of faithful Lutherans. Up to this time Winthrop was without a German Lutheran Church. At different times, by different people, different attempts were made to organize a congregation, but nothing lasting was effected.
    In 1897, Rev. J. Naunann, who was then pastor in Gibbon, was called upon to conduct services in Winthrop. Gladly did he comply with the wish of the people and for some time he had charge of this little congregation.
    The beginning indeed was small, for in the year 1S99 this congregation only had seven members. But what they lacked in number, they made up in love and enthusiasm for God and His kingdom. These seven members got together the same year and built a little church and in the month of April, the same was given over to the Lord's service. A day of Joy for this little flock.
    Again in the year 1900 this little congregation is building, they now had 12 members. Their church must be larger, an addition was added to their House of Worship, making it now 18x42. Today this building is used as a school house. Not being satisfied with a church alone, they called their first Pastor, C. Ritz. Not being able to give their Pastor a "living salary," they called upon the Minnesota Synod for help.
    As a good mother, who loves her children, always ready to help those that are in need of help, the Synod responded and for many years did
the Synod faithfully help this congregation.
    Once more did this flock of 20 members show their love to God, for In the following year, 1901, the present parsonage, as it stands today, was built. A big undertaking for so small a congregation. For those that love God and His Kingdom, this liberality for tbe Church is natural, love commands us to do so.
    Not being satisfied with this their work, the members said one to the other, "Can't we have a regular large Church?" This their wish did not remain empty words, as very often is the case.
    In this year the Swedish Lutheran congregation of this town built a beautiful new House of Worship. Having their old church still on hand, they offered It to this little congregation, at a very low price. The members did not wait long, they got together and bought the same. It still serves its purpose as a Church. Now Zion Lutheran had a Church.  What a day of rejoicing was the day of dedication to them. The congregation now numbered about 25 members.
    Reader, consider what this little congregation had done in these six years. All that was accomplished with God's help, in those first six years of its existence, still stands today as built 14 years or more ago. Surely these people loved their Church. May this love never perish in Zion Lutheran.
    "We should have a bell." was the nex wish that was expressed. But before the members could get together and buy one, Carl Zinke, a devout and faithful member of the Church had a big surprise in store for his fellow members. On the 27th of February, 1909, a bell weighing 2600 lbs. was dedicated to the Lord's service, a gift from Carl Zinke.
    In the year 1909 C. Ritz resigned as Pastor. The congregation had about 30 members by this time. A call was sent Rev, P. Schlemmer. On the 17th of October he was installed as Zion Lutheran's second Pastor. But his ministry in this field of labor was only of a very short duration. During the early spring of 1911, he had received a call from the Lutheran congregation of Ft Ridgley; he placed the same before his congregation and asked for his  dismissal, the same was granted.  The congregation now numbered 33 voting members.
    During the early summer of that year the congregation called its present Pastor. Rev. A. C. Murtz from Roscoe, S. D. On the first Sunday in August, Prof. A. Ackermann installed him as Pastor of this congregation. In the year 1912 beautiful mosaic an windows were placed in the Church. These are admired by all who see them. These beautiful memorial windows were again donated by individual members. The donators—F. Borchet, Wm. H. Lickfett, Wm. Albrecht, Henry Lickfett, Mrs. F. Bubolz, Mrs. C. Muenchow, the Young People and the Ladies' Aid. A few years later a beautiful Altar, Pulpit, Statue and Pipe Organ were placed in the church; again being bought through the donations of the individual members and the Ladles' Aid.
    O Zion Lutheran of Winthrop, thank God that He has thus far blessed you in these few years of your existence. Let this love to God's Kingdom never grow cold in your midst, love Him with heart and soul, remain true unto the end. and God will protect and bless you In the future as He has in the past.

Albrechet, Wm. and family
Abraham, Mrs. Theresa
Abraham, Wm.
Borchert, Wm. and family
Borchert, Louis and family
Bauermeister, Herm. and family
Bauermeister, Albert and family
Blankenhagen, Mrs. C. and children
Behning, Herm. and family
Bubolz, Mrs. P. and children
Braasch, Ferd. and family
Borchert, Ferd. and family
Borchert, Herm. and family
Bothmann, Mrs. J. and children
Blass, Mrs. F. and children
Beetle, John and wife
Groehler, Otto and family
Groehler, Theo. and family
Gareis, Mrs. P. and children
Hass, Robt. and family
Henke, Aug. and family
Henke, Rheinhold and family
Hass, Albert and family
Hahn, Walde and wife
Heinck, Wm. and wife
Hermann, Wm. and family
Hoyer, Louis and family
Jaus, Mrs. Sal. and children
Jaus, George and family
Jaus, Chas. and family
Kreuger, Wm. and family
Koenig, Otto and family
Lickfett, Wm. and family
Lickfett, Herbert and wife
Lickfett, Henry and family
Lickfett, H. and family
Leske, Henry and family
Leske, Ed. and family
Leske, F. and wife
Melius, Aug. and family
Muchow, Herm. and family
Muenchow, Chas. and wife
Meyer, Wm. and family
Meyer, Chas. and family
Otto, Christ and family
Plahn, John and family
Palmer, Arther and family
Potratz, Ferd. and family
Powers, J. E. and family
Redmann, Leo. and family
Spiering, Aug. and family
Schmalz, Theo. and family
Stresemann, H. C. and family
Stresemann, A. F. and family
Severson, Henry and family
Severson, Emelie
Spiering, Wm. Sr. and family
Spiering, Wm. Jr. and family
Sommer, Herm. and family
Schleuter, Louis and family
Sylvester, Martin and wife
Sylvester, John and family
Thenermann, Ferd. and family
Taggatz, M. and family
Timm, H. and wife
Volinkaty, Mrs. J. and children
Witt, Gustaf and family
Witt, Henry and family
Witt, Aug. and family
Zinke, Carl